Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich


Ziemssenstr. 1
80336 München

Project Coordinator

Prof. Felix Beuschlein

Phone +49 89 5160 2110
Fax +49 89 5160 4467

Project Staff

Dr. Constanze Hantel
Post-Doc, Ph.D. / tumor models

Dr. Nicole Reisch
Post-Doc, M.D. / clinical study (FIRSTMAPPP), registries

Dr. Urs Lichtenauer
Post-Doc, M.D. / clinical study (FIRSTMAPPP), registries

Dr. Anna Pallauf
Post-Doc, M.D.

Igor Shapiro
Technician / biosampling, in vitro studies

Susanne Schmid
Study nurse / clinical studies (FIRSTMAPPP, ADIUVO)


Institute Presentation

The Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt is a tertiary referral centre for endocrine tumour patients. The department is devoted to translational research using its large patient cohorts and its numerous local, national and international collaborations. The department hosts a clinical study centre and basic science labs in the area of clinical chemistry, cellular and molecular biology and immunology. Prof. Beuschlein is the head of the Endocrine Research unit. His group has a long time experience with animal models in adrenal diseases focusing in particular on adrenal cancer. Specific local expertise in tumour preparation and primary cell culturing will be utilized to implement SOPs for the processing of surgical adrenocortical carcinoma specimen. These specimens will be used upon xenotransplantation as personalized tumour models. Local distribution with tumour material will be provided by Dr. Mussack from the Endocrine Surgery Unit. Furthermore, Dr. Bidlingmaier’s group is leading in assay development with special emphasis on multiplex technology using small sample analytes in rodent models. He will be in close collaboration for assay validation of newly identified biomarkers.

Prof. Beuschlein has been awarded multiple academic honours, awards and grants. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Molecular Endocrinology and ad hoc reviewer in multiple journals in the field. Prof. Beuschlein is Chairman of “Adrenal, Hypertension and Steroids” (Section of the German Endocrine Society) and Chairman of the Steering Committee of the European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumours (ENS@T).